Weeknotes 118
1st October, 2023
“Grazing the tops of houses”
I wanted to stash only a few files this week and it hadn’t occurred to me that
git stash
would take a--patch
, but like many othergit
commands, it does (try outadd
). -
I’ve had a balloon ride voucher (that was bought for a birthday present) ready to be used for about approximately 3 years. Because of COVID and cancellations due to the weather (6 times!) it was still unused. This Monday the weather was just right and we managed to take the trip.
It was was amazing. I wouldn’t say I’m scared of heights, but I am scared of falling to my death. It was surprisingly calming though.
However, the end was almost better. As we were getting lower and lower, almost grazing the tops of houses, people on the ground started to notice us and began coming following the balloon to it’s landing place on a local playing field. The pilot let the kids from the houses climb into the basket and got them involved in packing up the balloon. They were all so excited. It was really lovely. Some stories told at school the next day, for certain.
They say the day you delete all the Kubernetes code from your codebase is the day you truly start living
The invisible problem by Scott Jenson had me nodding throughout.
Whenever I explain my research at Google into mobile text editing, I’m usually met with blank stares or a slightly hostile “Everyone can edit text on their phones, right? What’s the problem?”
Text editing on mobile isn’t ok.
I find typing into my phone infuriating most of the time.
“Today’s obscure Rails discovery”
validates password character length using the string’s character size (72) but the real limitation is driven by Bcrypt’s limit of 72 bytes.So it’s possible to have a 72-character password that passes ActiveRecord validations but fails to satisfy BCrypt’s limit if one of the characters is multi-byte.
Unfortunately, it seems that when this happens, it is not considered valid, but an error is not added to the model’s errors.
Git tip! Find the history of a particular function/method/whatever in a file.
git log -L :method_name:path/to/file
This is super handy because sometimes you are only interested in the history of a particular function, not the whole file.
I started watching Station Eleven – enjoying it so far. I also watched a couple of films this week: Dumb Money and The Creator, I enjoyed both, but The Creator stood out – amazing world building.
Yes, the audience were well behaved. Thanks for asking.
ElixirConf 2023 - José Valim - The foundations of the Elixir type system.
The type system being worked on by the Elixir team is exciting. It sounds like they’ve found a nice balance between type safety and ease of use. At least to my Type ignorant brain.
It seems very intentional and will be gradual. I think a lot of people were worried that it would be a big-bang change and be forced on users, but it doesn’t sound that way at all.
Arc update. I’m still using it full-time and loving it. However, I’m no longer using it to save pages for reading later, the mobile app is just too flaky and often just doesn’t work, which is a real shame.
Amsterdam trip next week for Rails World. Two day week ✅
No mention of weight loss or side project? Both fucked.