Weeknotes 29
16th January, 2022
“Folding, navigating, serializing”
I’ve never got my head around folding in Vim (in fact, I haven’t gotten my head around a lot of things in Vim!) but I really should. In particular I have installed a plugin to allow Vim to fold RSpec spec files, which often get long and unruly.
Still getting the hang of the keybindings.
Tom Scott agrees with me about wireless headphones. This makes me very happy.
I still think wireless headphones are a terrible idea
Yes, Tom ✅
If you want to access Rails url helpers inside a JSON:API serializer you can’t do the usual mixin include as everything inside a JSON:API serializer is evaluated at a class level.
Instead include into the class.
class UserSerializer singleton_class.include Rails.application.routes.url_helpers end
Reference: https://github.com/jsonapi-serializer/jsonapi-serializer/issues/157
I read My first impressions of web3 this week and there was a lot I didn’t understand. Still, this made me laugh:
At this point, software projects require an enormous amount of human effort. Even relatively simple apps require a group of people to sit in front of a computer for eight hours a day, every day, forever.
Losing Your Way With Ruby Safe-Navigation Operator has some good points. I’ve seen liberal use of the safe navigation operator in codebases I’ve worked on and people do seem to just throw it in without necessarily understanding the ramifications. I’m using it more and more, but care is required.