Weeknotes 84
5th February, 2023
“Rewrite it in Rust”
Last two working days this week.
Fish, my shell of choice, is being re-written in Rust. I think it’s hard to argue with their reasoning as popular as it is to complain about “everything being re-written in Rust”.
There was an interesting discussion about USB-C power delivery standards on ATP this week. Specifically why USB-C charging does and does not work in different scenarios.
Worth a listen if, like me, you find the various peculiarities confusing.
Nested Modules in Ruby – Ruby modules defined in two different ways do not have identical behaviour. In my experience Rubyists often don’t know this, which is bad.
The Neovim content you crave is back!
(find my commits) to fuzzily find my Git commits only.vim.keymap.set('n', '<Leader>fmc', function () require("telescope.builtin").git_commits({ git_command = { "git", "log", "--pretty=oneline", "--abbrev-commit", "--author=Joe Blogs", "--", "." }}) end , { noremap = true })
I’ve been using this to figure out wtf I’ve been doing for the last two years. Yes, updating my CV.
My car was not content with the thousands of pounds spent on it recently. It decided to develop the most annoying rattle under the glovebox which was extremely annoying, and also difficult to pinpoint. It was seriously driving me nuts. Just when I thought it was gone it would come back.
I decided to start taking small parts of car apart myself to try and fix it after completely losing faith in the “professionals” who I’ve been dealing with recently.
Well, would you believe it, I think it’s fixed.
The culprit was a bolt not done up tight enough behind the glovebox. Probably left slack by the aforementioned pros. I pray it stays fixed.
The greatest achievement of the week. By far.
The macOS WhatsApp I mentioned recently is working well for me. A few features missing, but does almost everything I need and hovers around 90MB.
SPOILER The most recent The Last Of Us episode has really cemented how great the show is. The acting performances were something else. I’ve seen nothing but praise for this episode, and yet it only garners a 7.9 on IMDB whilst the previous two episodes both get 9.2. I think we know why.
The new Background Tool in CleanShot 4.5 looks great.
Awesome Falsehood – I’m linking this to hopefully remember it!
A curated list of falsehoods programmers believe in.
This should be mandatory reading for every programmer who says they can validate an email address – I’m so sick of having that conversation.
Victor Shepelev continues to do great work maintaining Ruby Changes by writing up the changes for Ruby 3.2.
There are a tons of changes listed, and they don’t even include the big YJIT stuff that’s been happening recently, but the change that stood out for me was the addition
to the standard library which is very welcome, but baffling.